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Ceramic Art





Permeation - between form and drawing


Master work 2013

Faberge Tongkama


A collection of five china eggs baked in the oven for wood in the outdoor center of the Academy of Fine Arts in Lubartów. It was created from inspiration of the project of the All inclusive tableware. Objects which show, in a very interesting way, exceptional beauty and specificity of this kind of baking are the work of fire and human hands. A title given to the works emphasizes that baking in the oven for wood is noble.

 ON-OR-NOT, idea of the pott.



Noje fitness



Camouflaging of poems being read out. Diverting a receiver’s attention from sounds and paying the attention only to visual reception. A spectator feels that a displayed picture is a recording of the moment of reciting poems, however, they cannot focus on the text. They feel torn between the thing which they can see and which they can hear.






It is an installation which includes 8 objects and a video picture projected on the objects.

A video picture is a loop, compiled with a  recorded performance of red liquid ceramic mass. The project was aimed at giving new values, meanings to ceramic objects by using a video projection. This projection gave brightness to designed ceramic forms, created a new covering, brought to the different world.



One second

Construction - Deconstruction
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